For example, given that int x = xs[i] is a single instruction

This would require copying the whole array. Null termination) can be more efficient or natural.In my opinion, a better solution is to add a type system that enforces safe indexing, and leaves it up to the programmer how to achieve that, whether it is functional style like fold/map, or C++ style iterators, or direct indexing using a separately passed size value (as typical in C code.)Most of the things suggested for a better C are things that are infeasible for the things that C is good at, such as writing a OS kernel, an efficient language runtime theft proof backpack, or programming an microcontroller with 32KB RAM or less.That said, standard C can be a little tedious theft proof backpack, so I written a framework for my own projects called Startle. Also, GNU C has some nice extensions that I use in Startle.Startle might give some ideas about what can be done with C theft proof backpack, and I think it would be a good starting point for extending the language while keeping it simple theft proof backpack, unlike C++.For example, given that int x = xs[i] is a single instruction that takes one cycle, then int x = p >xs[i] at least doubles the instruction count and halves the performance.Sure theft proof backpack, you can do something like:int arr = p >xs;for(int i = 0; i length; i++) {x = arr[i];// do something with xBut note that arr has lost the size member, so the language needs to support raw arrays.

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